I was fashionably late, arriving at 5:20 pm because I work and couldn't manage to leave early for the 4:30 pm start. The room was bustling, mostly with men between the ages of 45 and 65 and the conversation seemed lively. Since its renovation, the tavern is a blank slate and that night it had stand-up bar tables four or five deep along the middle of the room. The room was warm, its occupants jovial and the air hummed with optimistic chatter. I looked around for some familiar faces and went to say hello.
"Don't you ever get tired of hanging out with the UCP crowd?" I was asked. Partially in jest, there is a genuine curiosity to that question and I laughed. Answering honestly, I replied "Not at all; you say the most interesting things". I was introduced to the table and welcomed into the conversation. Within moments, a gentleman to my right asked a gentleman to my left "what do you think about the Alberta Party not running a candidate in the by-election?"
The gentleman who responded was a former Alberta resident who now lives and operates an oil and gas company in Manitoba. He was "forced out", he said, by the Stelmach royalty review. "I think the Alberta Party is the smartest opposition party in the legislature" said one, "but they need to show up." "What do you think about the government's candidate?" Asked another. "This could be a real shot for David Khan if he can beat the NDP candidate" offered someone else. No one suggested there was a chance Kenney wouldn't win.

The first person invited to the podium was Leela Aheer's son who sang "O Canada"; that young man has an incredibly clear, strong voice which needed no technological amplification and it was joined by a number of individuals in the crowd. Next we heard from an avid volunteer who became interested in politics when he was 14. Ron Stevens, former PC MLA for Calgary Glenmore from 1997 to 2012, had caught the young man applying some graffiti to the side of a local building. Stevens, as the story was told, did not chase the youth away or call the police. Instead, the MLA engaged the youth and invited him door knocking. He happily explained that it was enough to turn his energy towards politics, where he remains a volunteer 6 or so years later. It was this kindness and introduction to a new direction that made him want to be involved in a youth engagement strategy with the UCP. He then explained that proceeds from the live and silent auction items would help fund their work.

The crowd thinned out very quickly as 8:00 pm approached. A few were heading to a nearby drinking establishment and I declined to join. When I had my coat and t-shirt in hand, I stopped to say goodbye to a woman I'd met on a few occasions previously. When asked if I had met Kenney, I shook my head and told her I wasn't really interested in doing so. She told me she was giving the UCP six months before making her decision; she wanted to see if the party really did support women. "He gave both Leela and Angela high-level appointments, which is smart, but it might just be good politics" she told me. "I'll know in six months if I'm going to stay" she said. Her declaration made me realize once again that we shouldn't discount UCP supporters so quickly; there are a number of smart and talented people in politics and they support different parties for different reasons. As I walked back to my car I considered that the UCP may have hit their high note in 2017; the level of support for Trumpian politics in this province may well be at a ceiling rather than a floor.
Disclaimer: As of November 17, 2017, author is on the board of directors for the Alberta Party and also the executive as VP Membership. Former: member of Youth Justice Committee, Age-Friendly Steering Committee, Environmental Committee, Westerner Days Committee, and Miss Blackfalds 1991.