Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Celebrity Hypocrites

Jane Fonda is heading to Alberta to protest the oil sands.  In fact, she will take her first tour of the sands and then attend a Greenpeace rally where she will speak against Alberta Oil.  When I was younger (last year), I was under the impression that Alberta Oil had a bad reputation in comparison to other oil production.  I had heard the negativity against our projects but I hadn't considered there might be another side to the story.  I was directed to a website and it's worth a visit.

Whether you believe one or the other, there is a question I have for anyone who is against the development of oil in our province; What about the oil in your own area?  Why does Jane Fonda need to fly up to Alberta to speak out against the oil sands when she could take a bus to the California Resources Corporation in California and protest development there?  I fully support the right to protest but I don't understand why you have to expend more resources to protest someone else's resources over your own.

I am also of the view that if you decide to protest something, you shouldn't be hypocritical about it. So yes, if you're going to protest oil, then you shouldn't use it. If you're advocating for a reduction of use, then you should have a good list of reasons for using some oil over others.  I do agree that if we need oil, we should use oil that is produced in areas that respect environmental regulations.  We should advocate for oil that is produced in areas that respect human rights, strict labour laws and safety standards.

Use your celebrity to do something good. Don't be a hypocrite.

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